where the magic happens


into-it is a guide to finding balance, freedom, alignment, passion, and joy in all aspects of your internal + physical reality. I believe every day has magic. We can notice it, we can absorb it, and we can definitely create it. Whoever made up the lie that our “day-to-day” life is mundane is a total downer. The joy and beauty in every day rituals + miracles never go away, we just close our eyes and cover our ears.

I want you to open your eyes—now. I want you to listen up—now. I want you to reach out, grasp that magic, and hold it in your hands. It is all yours, it is always with you. Honor every moment, through gratitude, with your thoughts and words, with your actions. Caring for yourself + others, doing what lights you up, thinking + speaking of what you love… that is your power, that is the magic. Use this power everyday, and you’ll watch a world of possibility unfold before you. We are stoked to be alive, fam!

You don’t need to do! do! do! in order to have what you want. You can just…be. Be passionate, be in alignment, be freaking stoked to succeed. You absolutely can. It’s all about doing the inner work and following your higher self. Trust me, we’re gonna glow and grow together one amazing day at a time. All you have to do is start, so let’s get into-it!


Hey, I’m Samantha Strothers

I’m a molotov cocktail of universal knowledge, ego, higher self, and peanut butter banana toast. I’m obsessed with all things mindset and esoteric that foster the alignment of our identity, our spirit, and the universe.

how does every day magic work?


Awareness of my thoughts + emotions and pursuing joy every day helps me uplift and up-level myself as well as those around me—that includes you! Every moment is full of magic because it’s an opportunity to raise our vibration and shift our perspective. I believe we are 100% responsible for our internal reality.


Manifestation, journaling, meditation, and tarot are a few of the many tools I use to align my inner world with my higher self. When I am in touch with my higher self, I am aligned with my greater purpose. Investing in these every day self-care + self-improvement rituals will create our every day magic.


Understanding and harnessing the power of our universe brings me the clarity and harmony that we all need in order to succeed. Leveraging the limitless universal magic at your disposal every day will guarantee your success in manifesting the extraordinary life you deserve.

looking for more? of course you are! you’re a badass.

follow into-it on instagram and get your fix on some every day magic. 
