An honest update about eating disorder recovery
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

An honest update about eating disorder recovery

If you are currently struggling with or have a history of disordered eating and find content centered around eating disorders to be triggering, please opt out of reading this post. If you find yourself relating to any of the behaviors + thoughts expressed in this story, I encourage you to reach out to a loved one, a trusted friend + mentor, a professional in your area + at your school, or a hotline that can direct you toward the help you need.

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The Astrological Major Arcana Part III
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

The Astrological Major Arcana Part III

This is the final post in a 3-part series investigating how the zodiac signs associated with certain cards in the major arcana of the tarot add new flavors + meanings to interpretations in our readings. This week: Sag, Cap, Aqua, and Pisces.

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The Astrological Major Arcana Part II
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

The Astrological Major Arcana Part II

This is a 3-part series investigating how the zodiac signs associated with certain trumps (cards) in the major arcana of the tarot add new flavors + meanings to the archetypes we’re meeting. This week: Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.

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The Astrological Major Arcana Part I
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

The Astrological Major Arcana Part I

A new series for the blog: learning astrological + intuitive self-guided tarot practices. In this 3 part series, we’ll begin with major arcana trumps associated with Aries (naturally), Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer (all cards in the first line of the major arcana). We’ll cover the remaining 8 signs + cards in the next 2 posts.

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Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets

The zodiac sign placement of a planet can enhance or restrict the true nature of that planet in our birth chart. This is part 3 in a 3 part series covering the Essential Dignities of astrology, focusing on the dignities of the outer planets.

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Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I

A beginner’s level overview of the essential dignities. An essential dignity is the condition of a planet—how it behaves + performs + navigates in its cosmic environment placement. This is part 1 of a 3 part series covering the dignities of all 10 planets in the chart.

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Birth Chart Basics: Not-So-Minor Natal Aspects
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Not-So-Minor Natal Aspects

Our Natal Minor Aspects are great sources of information on our macro behaviors. The minors of the birth chart are the episodic or mundane plots that drive our narratives forward and keep us present in our day-to-day living.

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