The Astrological Major Arcana Part III


Welcome back to the blog, fam! Whether you’re a returning member of the into-it tribe or a new face, I want to thank you for joining me in this digital slice of magic. 

Into-it began as a personal passion project of mine to muse, to question, and to cultivate everyday magic in my own life. In my pursuit of daily magic, I’ve been able to connect with you all and my own inner knowing on energetic levels I never thought were possible. 

It’s wild to think that I’ve been devoting myself to this project + community for a little over 11 months now. In this time, my content has slowly shifted from spirituality through the lens of self-development into spirituality + esoteric practices through the lens of self-care, self-inquiry, and self-expansion. I, like most people I’ve spoken to on the subject, began my journey via manifestation + entrepreneurial motives. Into-it, and my own relationship with spirituality, has evolved into so much more than that. 

What I thought would be a journey of building a business #bossbabe-style (side note, that aspiration is valiant and beautiful for whoever feels authentic in that space, I respect it fully even though it’s a space I no longer feel called to) has evolved into a reclamation of my own wildness, my public “coming-out-of-the-broom-closet” moment as a witch, an amateur astrologer, a (personal) tarot devotee, and now a voice for this community of like-minded seekers + souls. 

All of this is to say thank you! Your enthusiasm for reclaiming your spiritual growth, for pursuing an embodied + grounded life, and learning more about the esoteric + cosmic practices that enrich our daily lives is what keeps me motivated in pursuing + sharing everyday magic. 

Okay, okay, the sappy intro is over and I know you came here for some astrological tarot content, so let’s get into-it! 

This week is part 3 of a 3 part series here on the blog where I’ve been providing astrological + intuitive + research-based meanings to certain trumps within the major arcana of the tarot. In case you’re new to this series, or tarot + astrology in general, there are 22 cards in the major arcana of the tarot deck and 12 of those cards are associated with the 12 zodiac signs (the other 10 cards are associated with the 10 planets). 

There are 78 cards total in the tarot, and if you’re looking for detailed + historical insight on each card in order, I recommend Rachel Pollack’s book: Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Book of Tarot. It is from this book where I learned how the major arcana begins with The Fool (at 0, at the top) and breaks into 3 lines of seven cards.

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Line 1: Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot. 

Line 2: Strength (or justice), Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice (or strength), Hanged Man, Death, Temperance

Line 3: Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement, World (Universe). 

This 3 part astrological-intuitive-tarot series is broken into three segments: 

Spring to Summer (Aries to Cancer), 

Summer to Fall (Leo to Scorpio), 

and now we’re ending with Fall to Winter (Sag to Pisces). 

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Moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn to Aquarius to Pisces in the astrological year translates to moving from Temperance (the end of line 2 of the majors) to the Devil (opener of line 3 of the majors) to the Star to the Moon. We start this journey with a clear direction in mind + an enthusiasm for what our winter will bring (the archer) and finish out this cycle in a period of deep rest, intuitive exploration, and emotional expansion (Pisces, the Moon). Naturally, we begin the cycle again in Spring with Aries (the emperor, line 1 of the major arcana.) 

I’m using the seasons of the astrological year to help strengthen the metaphor of organic cycles happening in our lives + within the sequence of the major arcana, but we do not need the seasons to be aligning with our own inner journey. We could move through trumps of the major arcana in any sequence, we could be within the energy of one card or one line for months or even years at a time, we can be in line 1 at breakfast and already in line 3 by bedtime. 

Using the tarot in this intuitive way and tying our interpretations to astrological symbolism is my own beginner’s lens for learning how to read tarot for ourselves + build our own relationships with the cards. I’m not taking credit for any research + insights that I’ve collected in my tarot studies that did not come uniquely from my own spirit + deck. All of my favorite resources are linked below and at the end of this blog post!


-My own intuition + bank of birth chart research accumulated through my BCB series as well as

-My tarot guru, Lindsey Mack, and 

-The analytical audio lessons provided by the Fortune’s Wheelhouse podcast. 

So let’s get into-it! 

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I see. I aim. I grow. 


Fire as enthusiasm. Fire as unstoppable forces. Fire fueled by passion. Passion in the form of knowledge. To blaze a new trail. An instinctual presence. 

Mutable Fire

The flexibility of the archer’s bow. The finesse of following a target. The ease of redirecting an arrow’s trajectory. 


How we grow and expand. What calls us to take up space. The luck that enters our path. The ways in which we travel + chase new experiences. Our taste (or distaste) for adventure. 

Ninth House

Our relationship to knowledge, to travel, to our beliefs + any general belief-systems, and to philosophy.

The Archer

A symbol we can break down to three parts

-The archer who aims with precision (fire)

-The tension on the bow which sets up the potential for flight  

-The striking path carved once the arrow is released (Jupiter) (Mutability)

To focus on a goal, a target, or a destination and courageously align all focus in the direction of it. The Archer has a natural optimism secured by the plentiful arrows ready to be administered. An ability to target and aim for many destinations while remaining in one position. To expand beyond the physical self through knowledge + experience (Jupiter, Ninth House0. 


This is not the path of compromise. It is instead a devotion to straddling the tightrope running down the center of opposition. To temper one’s resilience (fire) by walking the path less traveled (Jupiter). To remain temperate in the face of unforeseen obstacles (mutable). 

To cut through the opposition at hand. To remain fixated on a central destination between what seems definitive + factual on either side of the opposition (the arrow of the archer). To depend on instincts as opposed to depending on what is traditionally known + accepted. An unrelenting loyalty to one’s personal truth (fire). 

The tension within + without when opposition asks us to stretch our capacity to remain authentic and present (the tension of the bow).

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I use. I achieve. I sustain. 


Earth as tangible evidence. Earth as what is factual + natural. Earth as a duty to serve what is necessary. To be obedient under the natural laws of the universe—what is out of our control. 

Cardinal Earth

A walker of rocky and or treacherous paths. Resilient individualism. To follow the call of duty without hesitations or doubts. 


Realism, duty, and defined possibilities. Where the work is required in order to achieve those defined possibilities. 

Tenth House

Our bigger picture life objectives. Our careers. Our reputation and image surrounding our life objectives. Our devotion to or avoidance of personal duty. 

The Goat

A trained navigator of earthy terrains (reality, day-to-day existence). An animal with the resilience and the focus to traverse mountainous landscapes, bound and determined to reach the highest peaks. The master of resourcefulness. A walker of paths others could deem unattainable or impossible. A patient + wise creature, independent and devoted to the mundane but necessary requirements of everyday survival. 

The Devil

The devil is not an external + maleficent entity in our journey, it is instead a mirror of our own (often self-imposed) limitations. It is where we’re asked to take responsibility for what traps us, fools us, and keeps us small (Saturn). Our personal duty (the goat) is to our own liberation. Our liberation involves deep honesty about the habits + coping mechanisms we adhere to: what drains our ability to grow? When is our focus (the goat) misplaced? When are we indulging in our fears (the devil) and avoiding our calling? (Saturn, Tenth House). How does our narrative around what is possible (Saturn) neglect what is truly accessible within us?

The devil is a distortion (dissociation) from what is factual + natural within us (earth). A return to the self is the invitation at hand. A reframe, a shift, and or an evolution of the self exists on the other side of our self-imposed limitations. Our personal duty calls to us from within.

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I know. I contain. I provide.


Air as the unseen but potent energy between all things. Air as a felt sense of direction. To intellectualize and carry presence onward. To weather + erode existing substances. 

Fixed Air

To contain (water-bearer) and define what was once disparate or abstract. To collect and to carry, to be hesitant when called to release or lose what has been collected. 


Personal and collective evolutions. To think outside of what is known. To innovate. To serve. To repurpose. 

Eleventh House

Our communities, our groups, our chosen family, and our calling to serve (or avoid) those spaces.

The Water Bearer

An airy, intellectual being with a vessel for intuitive  + sensual essences (water). To hold space for and then administer nourishment. To (fix) what is abstract (water) into understandable + useful boundaries (vessel). To share what is owned (eleventh house) or to hoard what is sacred in that vessel (fixed). To hold a liquid of life which fosters + initiates new growth (Uranus)

The Star

The water bearer of the sky. Where Aquarius is the vessel, symbolically speaking, for holding + providing water, the star is a cosmic vessel for holding + providing hope. To rise into a new perspective, to collect new information in that elevated state, to reflect + share the light from the inside out (eleventh house). To detach from liminal reality, opting for more expansive + unknown cosmic horizons (Uranus). 

A fixed point in the sky which we can devote our focus + path toward following (fixed). To be that fixed point and to guide others through the unknown darkness (eleventh house, Uranus). To revive and to nourish the spirit of ourselves and of others. To hope. To know.

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I believe. I flow. I sink (sync). 


Water as a sensual immersion. Water as emotional vastness. Water as creative or emotional nourishment. To surrender into oneness, to lose oneself in the depths of something greater.

Mutable Water

To flow (the fish) wherever the tides may take them. To adapt and evolve on that journey. To slip from one’s hands, difficult to hang on to. 


Transcendence, enlightenment, and spirituality. The life energy which connects all seen + unseen aspects of the self and of the collective. 

Twelfth House

Our spirituality, our subconscious, our literal + metaphorical dreams, our soul’s ability for connection and expansion.

The Fishes

Water natives that surrender to the flow of life. Navigators of uncharted depths. Creatures enveloped in their environments. Highly adaptable, movable, and intuitive (mutable). A harmony with an ecosystem (Neptune). To play a small role in that larger-than-life oceanic environment. To ebb and flow in natural cycles (water, the moon). To deep dive, to disappear from what is known on the land (The moon, Neptune). 

The Moon

All that is seen (full) and unseen (new) in our emotional landscape (twelfth house). To be cyclical and to surrender ourselves to the natural ebb and flow of our feelings + sensations (mutable water). To sink, like the fishes, into the shadow of the self and of the night. 

To receive nourishment (water) in the form of filtered information + luminous clarity (full). The moon invites our intuition to guide us. Here we go within our own water depths of being. We follow the fishes into the flow of surrendering. 

We explore adaptability (lunation), growth (waxing), and rest (waning). We tap into our emotional well-being (water) and tend to our spiritual nature (Neptune, twelfth house). We make peace with what we have learned (full) and cultivate new life within. We discover, we embody, we meditate, we create, we listen. 

And there you have it, fam! We’ve officially broken down the astrological interpretations of over half of the major arcana! I wouldn’t call these summaries anywhere close to being complete. I also wouldn’t say that what is true for me should be true for you. See this as being 12 cards closer to whatever goal you have with the tarot (reading for yourself, reading for others, teaching yourself or others). 

The astrological-intuitive-tarot series won’t stop here! The birth chart basics series won’t be stopping either. I also won’t shy away from the occasional personal blog post when I’m feeling called to share something I’m working on or learning for myself. 

It’s been an amazing 11 months so far, which leads me to an announcement! I’m only 6 days away from a once-in-a-lifetime road trip up to and through Washington then back down through California that will last 3 entire weeks. I’ve never traveled like this before, and all 5 planets in my 9th house are going freaking CRAZY at the thought (crazy with excitement, crazy with joy, crazy anxious). 

In my 11 months with this blog, I have not missed a beat posting my monthly blog content (be it 3 to 4 posts each month). I’ve decided that this vacation will be a solid time to be taking a small break from the blog in order to come back with new + fresh + passion driven content for you all in the second half of 2021. Having just moved during an eclipse portal, now preparing + taking this giant adventure, and the adjustment period when I return + settle back in to my new home, it all calls for some time to reset + refresh + return stronger than ever.

All things considered, there won’t be new blog content until August 1st of 2021.

Seems like a long time, I know, but this is a necessary break and not at all a goodbye or an ending. 

Do not fret though, fam! Because I will still be ALL OVER instagram for you guys during this break from the blog. 

Follow my personal and my into-it instagram pages to hit the road with me this summer!

I will also be posting weekly astrological + tarot + witchy content as usual. The only thing I will not be doing until August is releasing any new blog posts. I’m definitely not going radio silent on you guys! 

I hope you’ll join me for a wildly magical summer on instagram, and check out the resources + links below to get your fill on astrology + tarot + self-development until I come back around with new content in August.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again. I’ll say it a million times, don’t test me! 

Be sure to look for some everyday magic this Summer by staying present, staying curious, and staying in your worth. 


An honest update about eating disorder recovery


The Astrological Major Arcana Part II