Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets


Welcome back to the blog, fam! As promised, we’ll be diving into the third and final installment of this birth chart basics trilogy covering the essential dignities of the planets. In part one of this series, we covered the overall themes + conditions of the essential dignities: Domicile, Exaltation, Detriment, and Fall. 

If you haven’t already, I definitely recommend you return to part one to learn more about the essential dignities before jumping into the planetary breakdowns in part two + here in part three. 

A vocab recap on the dignities before we look at the conditions of each outer planet: 

Essential Dignity

In traditional astrology, essential dignity is the strength + weakness of a planet or point based on its zodiac placement + degree. A planet will feel supported + nurtured in signs that feel comfortable (Domicile + Exaltation) and inhibited + challenged in signs that feel uncomfortable (Detriment + Fall). 

Rulership (Domicile)

The sign that is ruled by a planet. A planet is authentic, feels comfy and at home when in the sign that it rules. The qualities of the zodiac sign are most similar to the planet which rules it. Planets in their Domicile will behave as their truest selves with ease and grace—not good or bad, just authentic. 


This sign is opposite of the “fall” of the planet. A second home. 

The sign, not ruled by the planet, where the planet is most similar in qualities + behaviors. This sign is like a comfy space outside of its own home (domicile) where the qualities of the planet feel natural + strong + celebrated by the sign placement. 


Opposite sign of the planet’s domicile

The sign placement where a planet feels inhibited because it is in the opposite qualities of its rulership. The planet is metaphorically “far from home” and feeling out of place. The planet will find it difficult to remain authentic, causing energetic + behavioral conflicts for them. 


Opposite sign of the planet’s exaltation

The sign placement where the planet is weakened, similar to detriment but not quite as stark. The planet feels uncomfortable in this unknown territory and will find it difficult to assert themselves + their true qualities—not impossible, just difficult. 

Part two of this series covered the essential dignities of the inner planets and this week we’re looking at the dignities of the outer planets. Part two and part three of this miniseries serve as compatibility + tension lessons for each individual planet. This will help us work with the limitations or benefits of those planets' zodiac placements in our chart! 

You can access your birth chart here to compare your planetary placements to the dignities of the planets in part two and here in part three of the series. 

There are 10 planets in the chart and I broke the planetary breakdowns into two installments to make the information more digestible for you. There are also important distinctions between the inner and outer planets to take into account when reading our birth chart. The Inner planets—The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars—are closer + quicker, so they affect more of our day-to-day energetics—the Moon especially, as she transits the entire zodiac in just 28 days. 

The outer planets are further away + slower, so they govern larger character arcs in our lives + our generational bonds. In order, we’re looking at Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. 

Here’s a recap from my birth chart basic covering the outer planets:

The themes they govern in our chart have a massive impact on our own lives and the collective fate of humanity. Think of their slower pace as a metaphor for the long-term change they can bring. If this energy seems elusive to you, you’re definitely on the right track. The more we try to understand these faraway heavenly bodies, the less they seem to make sense—especially Neptune, a planet which straddles the fine line between that which we can see and that which is unseen (subconsciousness).

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So how does this relate to the essential dignities of these planets? If you think about it, the outer planets rule some pretty major themes in our lives. If an outer planet feels restricted + aggressive within its zodiac placement, we may be asked to confront + balance that energy repeatedly throughout our lifetime. If the outer planets are placed authentically within our chart, we may find it easier to navigate their lessons—easier as in quicker, not easier as in without work + intention. 

Now let’s get into-it!

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Jupiter—Expansion, opportunity, knowledge


Sagittarius—the archer—mutable fire—9th house

Pisces—the fish—mutable water—12th house

Jupiter + Sagittarius + Pisces compatibility:

Boundless expansion, nuanced expression of self, open-minded exploration of the unknown. 


Gemini—the twins—mutable air—3rd house

Virgo—the virgin—mutable earth—6th house

Jupiter + Gemini + Virgo disparities:

Jupiter requires universal + unrestricted space for exploration of new ideas.

Gemini and Virgo opt for analytical + compartmentalized thinking + processing. 


Cancer—the crab—cardinal water—4th house

Jupiter + Cancer compatibility:

Nurturing + compassionate willingness to learn and expand. 


Capricorn—the goat—cardinal earth—10th house

Jupiter + Capricorn disparities:

Jupiter is flexible and unrelenting on its quest for change + knowledge.

Capricorn opts for dutiful, organized, and structured approaches to change + pursuing knowledge.

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Saturn—focus, mastery, duty, structures


Capricorn—the goat—cardinal earth—10th house

Aquarius—the water bearer—fixed air—11th house

Saturn + Capricorn + Aquarius compatibility:

General reverence for boundaries and structures they deem worthy of respecting. 


Cancer—the crab—cardinal water—4th house

Leo—the lion—fixed fire—5th house

Saturn + Cancer + Leo disparities:

Saturn feels authentic when adhering to set boundaries + realistic aspirations.

Cancer + Leo relish in raw expressions of self, which is often outside of definitive + traditional structures.


Libra—the scales—cardinal air—7th house

Saturn + Libra compatibility:

Reverence and respect for considerate + polite navigation of defined structure + boundaries.


Aries—the ram—cardinal fire—1st house

Saturn + Aries disparities:

Saturn adheres to duty via set rules and resilient dedication to its cause.

Aries prefers to exert itself and independently blaze new trails.

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Uranus—revolution, progress, community, innovation


Aquarius—the water bearer—fixed air—11th house

Uranus + Aquarius compatibility:

Community service via revolutionary ideals and innovative leadership skills.


Leo—the lion—fixed fire—5th house

Uranus + Leo disparities:

Uranus authentically serves larger causes via innovative + dynamic action. 

Leo relishes in expressing + exerting independence in the face of the collective.


Scorpio—the scorpion—fixed water—8th house

Uranus + Scorpio compatibility:

The drive and resilience to dig deeper into “taboo” realms of thinking + behaving.


Taurus—the bull—fixed earth—2nd house

Uranus + Taurus disparities:

Uranus opts for analytical + intellectual modes of communicating + acting.

Taurus opts for sensual + embodied modes of communicating + acting and tends to prefer receptive presence. 

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Neptune—transcendence, spirituality, dreams


Pisces—the fish—mutable water—12th house

Neptune + Pisces compatibility:

Abstract and sensitive pursuits through creative and sensual self-expression


Virgo—the virgin—mutable earth—6th house 

Neptune + Virgo disparities:

Neptune authentically drifts into the abstract + dreamy ether of life and self. 

Virgo authentically grounds in organized reality + bodily duties.

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Pluto—shadow, metamorphosis, subconscious, unavoidable transformations


Scorpio—the scorpion—fixed water—8th house

Pluto + Scorpio compatibility:

Insatiable appetites for exploring taboo topics and life-altering perspectives.


Taurus—the bull—fixed earth—2nd house

Pluto does not hesitate or compromise when a need for change arises. 

Taurus prefers patience, balance, and compassion while pursuing slower evolution. 

If you’re familiar with the tarot, it might help to think of the inner planets as the minor arcana and the outer planets as the major arcana. The trumps in the major arcana are all ruled by different planets + signs, but the comparison here is that we see larger archetypes at play in the majors and granular actions at play in the minors. 

If you’re not familiar with the tarot, then ignore that comparison and just know that the inner and outer planets move at different paces and show up with different levels of impact in our charts. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel the outer planets intensely, because there could be aspects between outer planets + inner planets in your chart. The house placements of the planets should also be taken into account when deciphering the flavor + influence each planet is adding to our soul’s blueprint. 

If this seems like a lot, it’s because it is! The layers of information available in our birth chart can be overwhelming at first and it’s easy to feel as if we don’t know where to start. That initial confusion was the main reason I started this birth chart basic series. I imagined it would be easier to see the bigger picture if I zoomed in to dissect all of the parts first. 

At the end of this blog post, I’ve compiled links to all the previous birth chart basic installments. You can follow them in order, or build a “choose your own adventure” style of learning, or just read the ones that interest you most at this time. There’s no rush to understand everything, and a lot of the joy in studying astrology is stumbling upon new information that may challenge or amplify the things you thought you knew before. 

I said this last week, but I definitely think it’s worth repeating: having a planet in its detriment or fall does not mean bad things will happen to you or that you’re worse off than someone who has planets in their domicile + exaltation. Our relationship to the planets in our birth chart is a macrocosm of the relationship we have with ourselves and with others. When we are challenged energetically, we are being invited to make a conscious effort to improve, shed, or accept the things that we value most. 

A challenging placement is not a loss, just as much as a peaceful placement is not a “win.” It is all information, it is all a spiral, and it is all necessary. Working through the messiness within us is the most human thing we can do, and the reclamation of those parts helps us remember to be more compassionate and patient on our journey—acceptance of what we cannot change, curiosity + compassion + critical thinking in the face of what we can. 

Drop me a DM on instagram and let me know how your outer planets are behaving in your chart. Anybody especially uncomfy? Anybody feeling right at home? Any questions about how you might apply some conscious effort while navigating that planet’s tantrums? I’m here to talk about any and all things astrology + witchcraft + self-development. 

Stay curious, stay compassionate, and stay in your magic.


The Astrological Major Arcana Part I


Birth Chart Basics: essential dignities part II - The Inner Planets