Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets

The zodiac sign placement of a planet can enhance or restrict the true nature of that planet in our birth chart. This is part 3 in a 3 part series covering the Essential Dignities of astrology, focusing on the dignities of the outer planets.

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Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I

A beginner’s level overview of the essential dignities. An essential dignity is the condition of a planet—how it behaves + performs + navigates in its cosmic environment placement. This is part 1 of a 3 part series covering the dignities of all 10 planets in the chart.

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Birth Chart Basics: Not-So-Minor Natal Aspects
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Not-So-Minor Natal Aspects

Our Natal Minor Aspects are great sources of information on our macro behaviors. The minors of the birth chart are the episodic or mundane plots that drive our narratives forward and keep us present in our day-to-day living.

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Birth Chart Basics: Natal Lunar Gifts
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Natal Lunar Gifts

This week we’ll be looking at our birth chart to find out the Moon Phase we were born under and learning how that phase provides us with some extra Lunar finesse—natural gifts layered on top of our Moon sign + house placement.

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Birth Chart Basics: Your Cosmic Goddess Gang
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Your Cosmic Goddess Gang

There’s a divinely powerful squad of badass Goddesses up in space who are ready to liberate, nurture, expand, and guide us through our pain, toward our purpose, and unlock our limitless capacity for giving + receiving love.

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Birth Chart Basics: Ushering in Aries Season
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Ushering in Aries Season

It’s spring, baby! Time for some fresh perspectives and some new beginnings. I want to zero in on Aries as a zodiac sign, as well as an archetype for change and for growth. We feel refreshed by spring for so many reasons, not just in the physical shift of the natural world around us, but energetically we shift as well.

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Birth Chart Basics: Identify Key Points & Wounds
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Identify Key Points & Wounds

We’re looking at 3 major points in the chart: The Ascendant—rising sign, the Descendant, and the Midheaven. We’ll also be talking about the asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, and Black Moon Lilith, our deeper shadow.

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Birth Chart Basics: Connecting the Aspects
Samantha Strothers Samantha Strothers

Birth Chart Basics: Connecting the Aspects

A beginner’s overview of the aspects between the planets in the birth chart, aka: another saucy—or tense—layer of meaning added to your personal journey of self.

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