Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I


Happy Sunday, fam! Thanks for joining me for a new birth chart basic installment. This week, we’re looking at an astrological topic that I personally haven’t taken the time to investigate until recently but have always felt curious about when astrologers mention it. 

We know by now that what peeks our interest is often an intuitive sign for us to investigate something further. I’ve been avoiding that intuitive download because I felt there was other foundational natal chart research I’d want to cover before exploring the (even more) nuanced layers of the cosmos. 

Okay, enough rationalizing my delays on the topic! I’ve often heard the terms: domicile, triplicity, exaltation, detriment, etc. in astrological spaces (blog posts, podcasts, the like). Based on previous, non-astrological understandings of those terms, I assumed my presumptions of what they meant would equip me enough to “get” what those astrologers were trying to explain about planets + planetary behavior. 

Well, that wasn’t entirely true! While I had heard “exaltation” and “detriment” and “yadda yadda” in reference to planetary behaviors before, I did not know they fell into an actual system of zodiac placements + degrees, like an entire chart, called the ‘essential dignities.’ Sure, I knew that each planet rules a sign—some ruling a few signs traditionally + modernly—but did not realize that planets are tied to signs outside of their rulership. 

Did you know? That’s dope if you did! Think of this week’s birth chart basic as a beginner’s level refresh of the dignities. If you didn’t know, then you’re definitely in for a “eureka” moment about planetary behavior—this stuff rocked my world, no pun intended. 

An essential dignity

is the condition of a planet—how it behaves + performs + navigates in its cosmic environment. Planets have higher qualities and lower qualities. These qualities are opposite sides of the same coin. Each side is looking to express itself authentically but through different—opposing—means. 

In traditional astrology, essential dignity is the strength + weakness of a planet or point based on its zodiac placement + degree. A planet will feel supported + nurtured in signs that feel comfortable (Domicile + Exaltation) and inhibited + challenged in signs that feel uncomfortable (Detriment + Fall). 

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For example, Mars is associated with action. This call to take action can be prepared and calculated, the result of moving in alignment with self to achieve a goal. The other side of the Mars “coin,” the lower quality, may be pursuing the same altruistic goal but act recklessly, aggressively, and without consideration of the harm caused in order to reach that goal—the same goal that aligned action could have reached if Mars had felt more comfortable to be itself in the given situation. 

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domicile (rulership)

The sign that is ruled by a planet.

A planet is authentic, feels comfy and at home when in the sign that it rules. The qualities of the zodiac sign are most similar to the planet which rules it. Planets in their Domicile will behave as their truest selves with ease and grace—not good or bad, just authentic. 

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Opposite sign of the planet’s domicile.

The sign placement where a planet feels inhibited because it is in the opposite qualities of its rulership. The planet is metaphorically “far from home” and feeling out of place. The planet will find it difficult to remain authentic, causing energetic + behavioral conflicts for them. 

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This sign is opposite of the “fall” of the planet. A second home. 

The sign, not ruled by the planet, where the planet is most similar in qualities + behaviors. This sign is like a comfy space outside of its own home (domicile) where the qualities of the planet feel natural + strong + celebrated by the sign placement.

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Opposite sign of the planet’s exaltation

The sign placement where the planet is weakened, similar to detriment but not quite as stark. The planet feels uncomfortable in this unknown territory and will find it difficult to assert themselves + their true qualities—not impossible, just difficult. 

All of this is to say that the essential dignities, the ability for a planet to behave authentically in its “higher” energy, are the zodiac placements that govern—in tandem with the houses + the aspects involved—which side of the planet’s energetic coin is landing on. 

When a planet is in a sign where it feels weakened—detriment or fall—it means that the planet will have more difficulty expressing its authenticity. This doesn’t mean the planet will be “bad” or chaotic, it just means that a conscious effort will be required by the planet and there are possible obstacles in the way. 

Look to yourself as an example.

You may feel you can be yourself without thinking twice of it when in the presence of those who accept you or while you’re in environments that you’re comfortable in. The familiarity of the situations lends to your authenticity and your freedom to “just be.” 

In the presence of a new or unknown company, you may need to make a conscious effort to express yourself. You may push or project in order to prove who you are in that new space to be quickly understood + seen. You may behave in ways that feel foreign + uncomfortable for you out of the fear of being judged, misunderstood, or inhibited. When you feel you cannot express yourself, that behavior may cause a conflict or tension in your environment + in yourself. 

Next week, let’s get our feet wet with the essential dignities by looking at our most prevalent + understood luminaries in the chart: The Sun and the Moon. In my next post, we’ll look at the essential dignities of the Sun and the Moon as well as our “personal” planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Because the essential dignities are lesser known natal explorations, at least for me, this week’s post serves as a digestible intro on the essential dignities. Below is a sneak peak cheat sheet to peruse before I drop next week’s post on the essential dignities of our inner planets.

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Until then, follow me on instagram to stay informed and connected with the Into-It fam! Also, get your astrology kicks by following the links in my beginner resource list below!

There’s plenty of previous birth chart basics here on my blog to prep you on the foundations of understanding the birth chart + astrology, as well as books / astrologers / podcasts / websites that I’ve enjoyed exploring + learning from.

See you next week, fam!

Stay grounded, stay authentic, stay in the magic.


Birth Chart Basics: essential dignities part II - The Inner Planets


Birth Chart Basics: Not-So-Minor Natal Aspects