Birth Chart Basics: The Sun Signs Part I


Happy new year, fam! Are you feeling any different? Have you set yourself some achievable aspirations on your to-be list for 2021? Are you ready to devote yourself to a new cause or pursuit of knowledge? Whatever your answer may be, I’m wishing you luck in the year ahead. If my positive outlook doesn’t cut it for you, rest-assured that a good year is in the cards according to the cosmos. 

Speaking of outer-space, we’re kicking off the new year with a new Birth Chart Basic! As this series expands, I’ll be providing more beginner’s knowledge to help you kick off your own astrological journey. If you’re not interested in becoming an astrologer, this information is still entirely useful for crafting your self-development or spiritual journey. When we use astrology as a lens for understanding the complexity of ourselves, of others, and of the collective, we are more equipped to face the scary + beautiful + daunting parts of life. 

As we learned from the houses, the nodes, and the planets, birth charts are very layered. Before we can read + understand these charts, we need to build a foundational knowledge of all the elements within them. This week, we’ll be covering the first 6 Sun Signs in the Zodiac (from Spring into Summer).

For most people, the sun signs are as deep as astrology goes...and those people are wrong, but we forgive them! You don’t know what you don’t know, so I’m here to help spread astrological awareness. Sun Signs are the token topic of any horoscope column, and are the easiest to identify without a birth chart because they’re based on the Sun’s placement on your birthday. 

Because the Sun will spend roughly a month in each sign, there are large masses of people who share the same Sun sign, which often leads people to believe astrology is a sham because they don’t “feel” like their Sun sign or don’t feel they relate to other people who share that sign. This is because we’re more than a Sun Sign, which we learned from the inner + outer planet placements in the chart. Every planet, every house, every sign, and every aspect—we’ll cover eventually—has an influence over us + our life path. We are not as one-dimensional as Sun Sign astrology leads us to believe.

But there is still a lot of value in the Sun’s placement, because the Sun rules our identity, our sense of self, and our expression of that self. It’s a base-level version of us, not so much a first impression like our rising sign, but more about how we outwardly project ourselves onto others. 

Remember that the planets in the chart show what is being expressed, and the sign placement rules how it’s being expressed. 

Without further adieu, let’s get into the Sun Signs! This week covers Spring (Aries) through the end of Summer (Virgo), and next week we’ll be looking at Autumn (Libra) through the end of Winter (Pisces).

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March 21 - April 19

Mode: Cardinal—Spring

Element: Fire

Ruler: Mars

House: 1st

Symbol: The Ram

The Ram, the fire-starter, the pioneer. No challenge or setback can dampen the flame of excitement + adventure an Aries feels when actively pursuing their authentic life path. For an Aries, boredom or hesitation will not be tolerated. The Ram takes charge, leads others with skillful and unrelenting enthusiasm.

This energy, which stands its ground and forges new paths, can seem overwhelming to those who prefer stagnation or creature comforts. To remain an authentic Aries is to refuse to hold back your fire in order to please others. Your independence and leadership is meant to ignite, challenge, and inspire others.

You can teach others how to act from an authentic, confident sense of self. You can also benefit from the softer, subtler energy of others, knowing when to calm your blaze without compromising your truest self—balance.

Any planet or House in the chart ruled by Aries is where you will see your most assertive and courageous callings + nature. Lean into these areas of yourself and your life with that natural, fiery passion. 

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April 20 - May 20

Mode: Fixed—Spring

Element: Earth

Ruler: Venus

House: 2nd

Symbol: The Bull

Taurus energy is earthy, natural, sensual, and material. The Bull will stand firm for practicality, usefulness, and beauty. This energy is far from vain, for a Taurus understands what is valuable and invests in a material/emotional arsenal of useful things that are well-crafted + meant to endure. 

A Taurus collects items and relationships that are meant to last, meant to grow, and add value to their lives. There is no room to be wasteful and no want for “quick” or “cheap” solutions. Because the Bull values consistency + endurance, they will have little patience for fussiness or complaining—they know how to get the job done, get it done well, and move onward.

They do not like to waste....time, energy, money, materials. The Bull’s earthy energy makes them sensual + grounded in their own bodies and in the natural world. This can make them fall victim to their own comfort zone, simply because they look to take life at their own pace.

It may seem stubborn, but it is never burdensome energy. It is key to know that what you own (material) is not equal to what you’re worth (self). Taurus placements in the chart signify where in life you will need to be practical, grounded, and resourceful.

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May 21 - June 20

Mode: Mutable—Spring

Element: Air

Ruler: Mercury

House: 3rd

Symbol: The Twins

Quick, witty, clever, talkative… that’s the cocktail an airy Gemini can serve in doubles. The curious nature of Gemini energy does not linger long. Instead, this sign moves lightly + steadfastly from one interest to the next, so you better learn to keep up!

Talkative and social, a Gemini will dance through life, never tiring from the waltz of events, and often setting a seemingly unstoppable pace. This energy, which is true to most air signs, is fast while still coming off as cool + collected. A Gemini always knows what's on trend and moves on to the next best thing before the rest of us can catch on. 

The Twins represent a degree of duality, which has a wrongful reputation of moodiness or “two-faced” behavior. In order to best preserve life balance, a Gemini must remember to slow down or their quick energy can become frazzled, flighty, and flakey. 

Before moving on to the next best thing, remember that it is meaning + purpose which adds value to our life experiences, not just rapidity or quantity of exciting pursuits. Gemini placements in your chart reveal where communication, wit, and curiosity will be needed + useful to propel you forward on your life path.

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June 21 - July 22

Mode: Cardinal—Summer

Element: Water

Ruler: The Moon

House: 4th

Symbol: The Crab

Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is the true matriarch of the Zodiac. When we think of Cancer energy, we should think of nurturing, of deep + lasting emotion, and of sensitive + empathic tendencies. Cancer energy is highly rooted in comfort, in safety, in family, and in all that is sentimental. 

To connect with others, for a Cancer, is to openly communicate and take initiatives + partners under their wing. The downfall of this empathic energy is a tendency to put others first and neglect their own well-being. To maintain life energy, Cancers must learn to prioritize self-care, for it will be difficult to fulfill others when their own cup is empty.

The love of a Cancer is unconditional, so they must invest that love wisely to avoid being taken advantage of in relationships + responsibilities. The Crab has a comfortable shell, but must learn to take risks when they begin to outgrow their safe-haven. Cancers crave emotional + physical security, and need to learn how to feel + embrace difficult emotions without resorting to self-destructive behaviors.     

Cancer placements in your chart shows where sensitivity and emotional support will be needed, as well as where you may need to be the nurturer or “hold things together.”

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July 23 - August 22

Mode: Fixed—Summer

Element: Fire

Ruler: The Sun

House: 5th

Symbol: The Lion

Leo, the grand Lion, rules any room. Popular, vivacious, and admired, you can’t miss them or take your eyes off them. A Leo knows how to draw a crowd and how to keep them enthralled via creative self-expression and admirable confidence.

Ruled by the Sun—self, ego, identity—means this sign shines bright and they use that energy to get ahead, to gain admiration, and to courageously pursue their desires. 

A strong ego may fall victim to narcissism, but balance it with humility and it can emanate a confidence fueled by integrity—not selfishness. Leos are playful, creative, and natural leaders. The Lion knows how to stand their ground + step up to the plate in order to get what they want. 

It’s imperative that Leos express their authentic selves and understand that their innate confidence could cause backlash from more reserved or insecure peers. Leos are swayed by flattery, so they must be sure to vet out the intentions of those seeking to please them. 

Self-awareness is crucial to avoid using star-power for needy or unjustified calls for attention. Leo placements reveal where you can creatively + confidently take center stage in your life.

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August 23 - September 22

Mode: Mutable—Summer

Element: Earth

Ruler: Mercury

House: 6th

Symbol: The Virgin

Virgos are known for being efficient, analytical, minimal, and mindful. The Virgin’s ability to edit + analyze life makes them responsible, grounded, and reliable. Virgos have an ideal vision of themselves and of life worked out vividly + firmly in their mind, and they will be prone to a degree of perfectionism + anxiety when reality does not hold up to their crafted, internal standards. 

Virgos can dissect, delete, amplify, and organize any + all details. This talent is fostered by a strong commitment to routines + habits that help keep their life healthy + manageable. This earthy energy is practical but not necessarily boring, because their mutable nature makes them highly adaptable, which is backed by a strong + resilient work ethic.

To maintain inner peace, Virgos need to learn how to give themselves a break from constant anxiety + negative needs to control. A healthy amount of chaos, surrender, and creativity will cut the Virgin’s natural rigidity. 

Virgo placements in the chart reveal where you need to be organized, detail-driven, and able to see the bigger picture from a practical + analytical perspective.

Drop me a DM on instagram and let me know if your Sun Sign resonates with you...or where these first 6 signs fall in your chart. I’ve been having the best time learning + sharing these basics with you all. Knowledge certainly is power, and cosmic power can be intensely transformative for us if we know how to use it—or surrender to it. 

See you next week for the latter half of the Zodiac, and I hope you’re kicking off 2021 with your most magnetic self on your side. 

If you don’t feel the typical new year motivation, know that’s allowed too. Perhaps resolutions are exhausting for you after a year of feeling let down, or full of grief, or maybe even fear. Check out my latest blog post, where I gave a gentler method of setting goals for the new year, or read my post on how we can cultivate courage despite the obstacles + fear we may be facing.

Don’t fret if we didn’t cover your sign in this overview, we’ll be moving into the chillier Sun signs next week! Until then, I have my master list of resources below to help you dig deeper into astrology and the birth chart.


Birth Chart Basics: The Sun Signs Part II


Birth Chart Basics: The Outer Planets