Birth Chart Basics: essential dignities part II - The Inner Planets


Welcome back to a new installment of the birth chart basics series! If you’re new to the blog, then welcome to the fam. Over the past few months, I’ve been posting weekly, beginner-level overviews of foundational astrological concepts to aid you all, and myself, in initiating a new relationship with the birth chart and the magic available in the cosmos. 

This week’s birth chart basic is part 2 in my 3-part essential dignities series. If you haven’t already, go ahead and check out last week’s introduction to the essential dignities. That first post serves as a light summary on what the essential dignities are and the spicy new flavors they add to our interpretation of the birth chart. 

I felt this topic warranted a deeper exploration instead of one basic overview. Opting for just one post about the dignities would provide very little clarity or value if I did not give the proper context to aid your understanding of how they manifest for each planet. By seeing the dignities in action, it’ll be easier to absorb + digest this traditional element of astrology. There are 10 planets in the chart—shout out to Pluto, who lost their title, and the Sun + The Moon, who count as planets in this context—and the first 5 are known as the “inner” or “personal” planets. 

Because of their proximity to the Sun as well as their quick pace in the cosmos, the personal planets have more of a day-to-day impact on our lives. The outer Planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—orbit slower, which means they govern long-term changes + responsibilities in our lives. 

We’ll be covering the outer planets next week, so don’t you worry! For now, we’ll be dissecting the essential dignities of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 

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If you’re unfamiliar with the inherent nature of the planets, check out my previous birth chart basic installments covering the inner and the outer planets. To understand how the condition (ability to express itself) of each planet is hindered or enriched by their zodiac placement, it’s important to understand their authentic personalities—which are most revealed in their domicile. 

You can get a more in-depth overview of the essential dignities from part one of this series, but here’s a vocab recap before we look at the conditions of each inner planet: 

Essential Dignity

In traditional astrology, essential dignity is the strength + weakness of a planet or point based on its zodiac placement + degree. A planet will feel supported + nurtured in signs that feel comfortable (Domicile + Exaltation) and inhibited + challenged in signs that feel uncomfortable (Detriment + Fall). 

Rulership (Domicile)

The sign that is ruled by a planet. A planet is authentic, feels comfy and at home when in the sign that it rules. The qualities of the zodiac sign are most similar to the planet which rules it. Planets in their Domicile will behave as their truest selves with ease and grace—not good or bad, just authentic. 


This sign is opposite of the “fall” of the planet. A second home. 

The sign, not ruled by the planet, where the planet is most similar in qualities + behaviors. This sign is like a comfy space outside of its own home (domicile) where the qualities of the planet feel natural + strong + celebrated by the sign placement. 


Opposite sign of the planet’s domicile

The sign placement where a planet feels inhibited because it is in the opposite qualities of its rulership. The planet is metaphorically “far from home” and feeling out of place. The planet will find it difficult to remain authentic, causing energetic + behavioral conflicts for them. 


Opposite sign of the planet’s exaltation

The sign placement where the planet is weakened, similar to detriment but not quite as stark. The planet feels uncomfortable in this unknown territory and will find it difficult to assert themselves + their true qualities—not impossible, just difficult. 

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The Sun—Identity, ego, self-expression.


Leo—the lion—fixed fire—5th house. 

Sun + Leo Compatibility: 

Bold, unapologetic self-expression.


Aquarius—the water bearer—fixed air—11th house. 

Sun + Aquarius disparities: 

The Sun craves authentic individualism. Aquarius thrives in communities + in the pursuit of collective initiatives. 


Aries—the ram—cardinal fire—1st house. 

Sun + Aries compatibility: 

Pioneering and confident embodiment of their individualism. 


Libra—the scales—cardinal air—7th house. 

Sun + Libra disparities: 

The Sun pursues matters of ego + identity + personal progress. Libra pursues matters of relationship + otherness + compromises.

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The Moon—intuition, emotion, self-esteem.


Cancer—the crab—cardinal water—4th house.

Moon + Cancer compatibility: 

Sharp intuition, compassionate devotion, emotionally driven. 


Capricorn—the goat—cardinal earth—10th house.

Moon + Capricorn disparities:

The moon is instinctually nurturing + empathic. Capricorn seeks strength in methodical work + duties. 


Taurus—the bull—fixed earth—2nd house.

Moon + Taurus compatibility: 

Sensuality, patience, and value-rooted emotional instincts. 


Scorpio—the scorpion—fixed water—8th house. 

Moon + Scorpio disparities:

The Moon opts for a matriarchal expression of emotion + care—yin energy. Scorpio’s intuitive complexities are more rooted in gaining power or control of emotion + knowledge—yang energy.

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Mercury—communication, thoughts, mental aptitude. 


Gemini—the twins—mutable air—3rd house.

Virgo—the virgin—mutable earth—6th house.

Mercury + Gemini + Virgo compatibility:

Analytical, thoughtful communication and authentic expression of ideas. 


Sagittarius—the archer—mutable fire—9th house.

Pisces—the fish—mutable water—12th house.

Mercury + Sagittarius + Pisces disparities:

Mercury opts to communicate with details and fixed clarity. Sagittarius opts for “blue sky” thinking + big picture dreaming. Pisces opts for intuitive + connected + nuanced abstractions of ideas. 


Virgo—the virgin—mutable earth—6th house. 

Mercury + Virgo compatibility:

Intellectualizing concepts and easy expression of complex ideas via direct modes of communication. 


Pisces—mutable water—12th house.

Mercury + Pisces disparities:

Mercury opts for precision + facts when expressing itself. Pisces opts for abstract and universal connections when expressing itself.

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Venus—desires, values, relationships, curation of beauty. 


Taurus—the bull—fixed earth—2nd house.

Libra—the scales—cardinal air—7th house.

Venus + Taurus + Libra compatibility: 

Considerate + natural eye for valuable, beautiful, and resilient delights. 


Aries—the ram—cardinal fire—1st house.

Scorpio—the scorpion—fixed water—8th house.

Venus + Aries + Scorpio disparities:

Venus opts for yin energy, a receptive admiration of others, of material items, and of the self. Aries and Scorpio opt for yang energy, an aggressive + active assertion of the self. 


Pisces—the fish—mutable water—12th house.

Venus + Pisces compatibility:

A tendency to romanticize and an openness for sensitive expressions of the self.


Virgo—the virgin—mutable earth—6th house. 

Venus + Virgo disparities:

Venus opts for sensual + organic flow. Virgo opts for organized + practical duty.

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Mars—actions, assertion of will + self, impulses + instincts. 


Aries—the ram—cardinal fire—1st house.

Scorpio—the scorpion—fixed water—8th house.

Mars + Aries + Scorpio compatibility:

Willful expression of personal power via direct + tactful actions. 


Taurus—the bull—fixed earth—2nd house.

Libra—the scales—cardinal air—7th house.

Mars + Taurus + Libra disparities:

Mars opts for yang energy, to be active and forthright in their expression of self. Taurus and Libra opt for yin energy, receptive, passive, and patient expression of self. 


Capricorn—the goat—cardinal earth—10th house.

Mars + Capricorn compatibility:

A resilient + innate drive to follow through, requiring optimal willpower and assertion of personal strengths. 


Cancer—the crab—cardinal water—4th house.

Mars + Cancer disparities:

Mars opts to exert itself and to learn via external action + progress. Cancer opts to experience, to absorb energy via internal inquiry + embodiment of external information. 

I hope this closer look at the dignities of the inner planets gives you a deeper understanding on how the personal planets are expressing themselves in your chart. If you have a planet in its detriment or fall, do not sweat it. This only means that the planet will need conscious effort in order to remain authentic. This is an invitation to work with the energy of that planet and find a balance between disparate energies. 

That’s the #1 lesson I’m learning through the lens of studying astrology: we are authentically a powerful collection of split energies. Our journey of self discovery through the birth chart is just a cosmic dance we need to find our rhythm + footing within. We also have the power to change the pace as much as we are required to surrender to the music. Split energy is natural, balance is necessary, imbalance is human. 

Drop me a DM on instagram and let me know where the planets are nurtured (or hindered) within your chart. I’m always looking for examples of the birth chart in action to learn from….or we can exchange memes about zodiac placements and call it a day. 

Next week, we’ll dissect the dignities of the outer planets. Until then, feed your cosmic appetite with the collection of resources below! There’s plenty of blog content here on into-it, as well as books + podcasts + websites from astrologers I personally admire. 

Stay authentic, stay curious, and stay in your magic. 


Birth Chart Basics: Essential Dignities of the Outer Planets


Birth Chart Basics: Intro to Essential Dignities - Part I