The Best Day Ever


I want you to imagine your perfect day. When I think of my perfect day, I always seem to imagine myself on vacation. I wake up in a beautiful Airbnb, somewhere far away from my every day “grind.” There’s no schedule ahead of me, just moments of bliss. When I’m on vacation, every meal tastes better, music sounds sweeter, sunshine seems brighter. You know that feeling, where life seems too rad to be real, and there’s plenty to be stoked about? Time doesn’t exist, responsibility is off the table, there’s no where you have to be and nothing you have to do, only where you want to be and what you want to do. That’s freedom, baby.

Okay sweet, we all love vacation. But when’s the last time you went on one? When was your last “perfect day?” I know it’s been a while for all of us, especially with the state of the world right now. So whenever I’m feeling moments of stress, I always imagine that I’m on vacation. I tell people I can’t wait to go on my next trip, so that I can be away from my usual routine and find some excitement again. But what if every day could be a vacation?

Well that’s not realistic because I’m working or parenting or I’ve got this that and the other thing to do and blah blah blah.

Yeah, that’s the excuses, the responsibilities, the stress all taking over. So maybe every day being a vacation is not “realistic.” But isn’t realistic kind of boring? We create our own lives, every day. We wake up, we decide how the day will go and unless some miracle or fabulous external circumstance arises, we think it’ll be an average day and everything will be same as it always is. Wash, rinse, repeat, have the same day tomorrow.

But there’s this amazing opportunity we all have: to make today feel like a vacation. I’m not saying call into work, or cancel any of your to-do’s. You can DO everything you usually do in a day, but FEEL like you’re on vacation. Here’s the trick: decide, just for today, that all of your meals taste better, music sounds sweeter, sunshine seems brighter, conversations are light-hearted, and time just doesn’t exist. Just for one day, pay attention and give the intention to make every task + conversation + endeavor feel like you’re having the best day of your life. Penny on the ground? That’s a million dollars! Flowers in the garden? When did they get so vibrant! Sun coming through the blinds? Tropical paradise. Soup from a can during your lunch break? 5- Star culinary perfection.

See the trick? We are so quick to believe that our “day to day” is just mundane or average, and by expecting it to be mundane or average, we MAKE it mundane and average. But today is literally the only day that exists. You are not in tomorrow, you are no longer in yesterday, you are only here in this moment. This is your life, right now! At this moment, you’re reading this—thanks so much for doing that—and maybe you’re just going through the motions, living Monday-Friday on that dreaded autopilot, maybe daydreaming about mimosas on a balcony or salty ocean air. Daydreams are amazing, but today can be even better.

How much of our life do we spend on autopilot, longing for the next big miracle or circumstance or vacation to wake us up and make us happy? And we blink to find out another week, another month, another year has gone by? When really, we can decide to be happy in the moment we’ve been given, and cherish our current reality.

This is the every day magic, it is created by our own thoughts and our own emotions—intentionally. I decided that autopilot and wishing my life away made me feel powerless and outright bored. Why not take a vacation today, then wake up and take one tomorrow? Literally nothing is stopping you, except the limiting belief that your daily life is average. Don’t let it be average.

Bon voyage, fam! 


how I stopped treating myself like garbage


know yourself, know your magic