Life is very easy


I want you to say the title of this blog post out loud to yourself. Did you? That’s good. Now actually say it like you mean it. The first time you said it, what reluctance was stirred? Did the voice in your head chime in? Hey girl, that’s not true. When you said it the second time, that time with feeling, did the voice in your head elevate its tone? HEY I mean it it, quit lying to yourself. And when that voice in your head—who’s being a real downer right now—chimes in on what you say or do, do you often believe it? When that inner dialogue recognizes itself as an extension of you, do you believe that you are having a conversation with yourself? Well, this is where I’ll chime in and tell you: hey girl, that’s not true.

Well isn’t this confusing. You’ve got me, here—outside of you—telling you that life is very easy and you’ve got what you perceive as you—inside of you—telling you that life is not easy. Somewhere between what is outside of you and what you perceive to be “inside of you,” is where you actually are! And now you’re suspended between a new belief: life is very easy, and a practiced belief: life is not very easy at all.

Now, we just met, so it is logical for you to believe that the voice inside your head, that you’ve always had in your head, who has always told you what to do and feel and believe about what is outside of you, has the credibility here. So, you recognize that life is not easy and you move on. Right? I ask because you are the one with all of the answers here. Or rather, that downer in your head has them.

That inner dialogue, which ruminates over profound existential breakthroughs or the mountain of to-do’s ahead of you that day or what to watch on Netflix, has always been there to guide you. That voice, which told you life is not very easy, is the same voice that said you were too chubby to wear that swimsuit or too assertive during that meeting or not smart enough for that degree or not talented enough for that creative pursuit, or any of the other lies which robbed you of a new belief to take place.

Do you see the pattern here? A lie, which has been sold to you as the truth, which you believe because it comes from a voice you have always known. Now, inner voice is panicking! Sound the alarms, she’s on to something here! This new information compromises what I have always been saying thus it is a threat! Delete new perspective, reject absorption, remain exactly as you are.

Just because your mind says something
does not make it true.
— James McCrae. Sh#t Your Ego Says.

Here’s the truth, the voice in our heads, which has always been guiding us, is not us. And, more often than not, it lies to us. This is uncomfortable at first, because how can something within you that has always been there not be…you? That incessant inner dialogue is your Ego and beyond its constant chatter is your Subconscious Mind, which absorbs the chatter of your Ego and identifies everything it says as absolute fact.

So who are you if you are not your thoughts? You are, quite simply, the thinker of your thoughts. If your thoughts are ripples of energy on top of a mountain stream, then you are the stream, and if you are the stream, you are in control of where you flow thus you must be in control of the energy that vibrates within you. That’s what our thoughts are, vibrations within us which we can control. If we don’t like that inner dialogue—which tells us things we don’t like—we can simply decide to start thinking something that we actually do like. Now, we have shifted our vibration from something we perceive as bad to something we perceive as good, which makes us feel good, and makes our lives that much easier.

That’s too easy, and life is not easy, life is hard. We have to work to feel good, we have to deserve our good feelings, we have always been told to suffer for what we want so that we can earn it. That’s what my Ego has always lead me to believe. I’m betting your Ego has told you the same, and your Ego got that information from someone else’s Ego, and you both said it to you enough that your subconscious mind absorbed it as fact.

When I learned that I am the thinker of my thoughts, and I have the power to, at any moment, shift my thoughts from a negative to a positive perspective, I found a new belief that filled me with so much excitement for my life I could hardly contain it: life IS very easy. If my life is easy, I am not meant to suffer, and if I have power over my thoughts—which form my beliefs—then I can choose to stop telling myself to suffer and choose to BELIEVE that life is very easy and bam! I have discovered my power as the creator of my own reality.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
— Wayne Dyer

You, the real you, have that exact power within you. You always have. We all have access to it, because it is unlimited and it is unstoppable and it is always serving us. Have you found the stillness to slow your stream and change the course of the energy you emanate? I promise you, the stillness you seek is within. We find that stillness when we are in alignment, when we are the thinker of our thoughts, when we choose to believe that our thoughts create our reality and we create our thoughts, so we are the true creators of our reality. This is not suffering, this is fun. Creating is exciting! Creating is natural to you! Creating is the flow which

into-it. is a platform I’ve created to inspire and teach how the alignment of your identity, your spirit, and the universe can help you manifest a life where you unapologetically pursue your passion and get.ish.done.

This alignment gives us the clarity and the strategies to achieve things we once thought were impossible, and everything you’re looking to create is absolutely possible.

Alignment comes from doing the inner work—our mindset. Now that you know you are are the master of your mind, your true power is only just beginning. There is so much more available to you through this new power. My mission is to help you master the mindset, beliefs, and aligned actions that unlock the spectacular life you’ve been wishing and waiting for.

But there is plenty of time to learn and grow together. For now, I want you to tell yourself every day, multiple times a day, that your life is very easy. Say it until your Ego surrenders! Okay FINE, I can’t take it! Life is easy, you win! Let this mantra be your first affirmation (don’t worry if you don’t know what an affirmation is, we’ll learn more about those soon. If you do, add this one to your docket). Notice how this new belief contradicts your other beliefs, and imagine how you can change those as well.

Do this on paper, do it in your head, do it on the toilet, wherever you want. Just commit to the thought, and make note of how that new belief alters your internal and physical reality, even if it just brings a smile to your face.

Creating your reality is a joyful power, and the power is yours.


Fight for your Right to Happiness